Our Pricing Plans

Tailor our service on your specific needs with our scalable pricing plans.

Start from free and get more as your business grows.

Add our experts addon to boost your sales even when all of your agents are offline.

Pay yearly and get a 20% discount



Try out most of our features, ideal for small shops


  • 1 agent
  • 300 chats/month limit
  • See what Visitors are Watching
  • Engage Visitors from the Opportunities Tab
  • Engage Visitors with Automatic Messages
  • Browse and Suggest Products Directly from the Backoffice
  • Quickly Reply to Visitors Questions with Custom FAQs
  • Allow Visitors to Retrieve Previous Chats and Suggested Products
  • Track Customers Satisfaction
  • Track Sales
  • Quick Overview Dashboard
  • Detailed Analytics
  • Unlimited Conversation History
  • Basic Support
  • Integrated with WooCommerce
  • Integrated with Odoo
  • Integrated HelpCenter


Get all our Platform can offer

Start small and grow


per month

  • 1 - 3 agents
  • unlimited chats
  • Get All that the Free Plan Offers
  • Premium Support
  • Get Additional Agents from the Backoffice
  • Define the Product Category Each Agent is Requested for
  • Monitor Agents Performance
  • Up to 3 Concurrent Agents


Get all our Platform can offer

Ideal for established shops


per month

  • 4 - 8 agents
  • unlimited chats
  • Get All that the Free Plan Offers
  • Premium Support
  • Get Additional Agents from the Backoffice
  • Define the Product Category Each Agent is Requested for
  • Monitor Agents Performance
  • Up to 8 Concurrent Agents


Get all our Platform can offer

Ideal for big e-commerce


per month

  • 9+ agents
  • unlimited chats
  • Get All that the Free Plan Offers
  • Premium Support
  • Get Additional Agents from the Backoffice
  • Define the Product Category Each Agent is Requested for
  • Monitor Agents Performance
  • As Many Concurrent Agents as You Need

Experts Addon

Add product experts support for your customers to any of our plans!

Custom Pricing Let's talk!

  • Premium Support
  • HelpForShopping Product Experts Available On Your Website
  • Automated Expert Selection Based On Product Category
  • Experts Performance Tracking
  • Serve Your Visitors Beyond Regular Working Hours
  • Visitors Can Switch Experts During Chat